Our Team
Peter Søgaard Jørgensen
Peter Søgaard Jørgensen is a macroecologist and evolutionary biologist by training, and since his PhD he has worked to integrate these fields with social-ecological research methods and insights. At Stockholm Resilience Centre he helps lead the Patterns of the Anthropocene research stream. In addition, Peter is deputy director of the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere programme at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences where leads the research theme on global health and biosphere stewardship. A recent focus of his work has been how society can live with antibiotic and pesticide resistance in the context of global sustainable development. This work has taken place through leadership of a SESYNC synthesis project (Living with resistance) and coordination of a JPIAMR funded project (AMResilience).
Contact: peter.sogaard.jorgensen -at- su.se
Luong Nguyen
Luong Nguyen is a joint PhD candidate in Global Health between Uppsala University and the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biopshere program, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. His research interests concentrates on the use of integrative approaches such as One Health and Ecohealth in the analysis of the link between human-animal-environment interface, targeting disease surveillance and control, antimicrobial resistance and modelling the spread of infectious diseases.
Contact: nguyen.luong -at- kbh.uu.se
Kathryn (Kate) Bjorklund
Kathryn (Kate) Bjorklund is a PhD student at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at Stockholm University. Her research forms part of the INFLUX project and explores the cascading social-ecological impacts of emerging pests and pathogens. She is interested in using data science to understand and improve the natural systems on which we depend. She holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, and an MSc in Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development from the SRC. She has experience in the non-profit sector. She interned at a Miami-based organization that advocates for South Florida's watershed and wildlife. She has also worked in the water quality and public health sphere through an internship in Northern Region Ghana. Prior to her undergraduate studies, Bjorklund spent time in Ranomafana, Madagascar, where she worked on a research project titled One Cubic Foot: Portraits of Biodiversity.
Contact: kathryn.bjorklund -at- su.se
Honghong Li
Honghong Li is a joint postdoctoral researcher at the Global Economic Dynamics and Biosphere Programme (GEDB) and Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at Stockholm University. Her research interests fall at the interface between microorganisms, plants, animals, and human health. With a background in ecology and biodiversity studies, running from microorganisms to grassland to forests, she is now excited to work on how human health and well-being are linked to biodiversity. Honghong received her PhD in Environmental Microbiology from Helsinki University in 2021. Before joining GEDB and SRC, Honghong was a research scientist at Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). She is passionate about integrating the concepts and methods used in different disciplines. Her other interests include teaching, scientific communication, and outreach to leverage sustainable transformation.
Contact: honghong.li -at- kva.se
Raf Jansen
Raf joined GEDB as a research assistant in September 2022 and works mainly within the Global Health and Biosphere Stewardship theme, looking to understand better systemic risk and how we can steer societal development towards a sustainable future. Raf holds an MSc in Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. His dissertation involved interviewing conservation practitioners to understand better their opinions on what counts as evidence and how it is used in conservation practice. He also holds an MSc in Ecology and Development from the University of Antwerp. For this dissertation, he worked on carbon capture, experimenting with the capabilities of olivine to draw down CO2 from the atmosphere and its effects on the functioning of cable bacteria.
Contact: raf.jansen -at- kva.se
Ege Pehlivanoglu
Ege is a research assistant at GEDB since January 2023. Her background consists of BSc in Molecular Biology and Genetics and MSc education in Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology (MEME). She holds MSc degree in Biology from Uppsala University and MSc in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution from the University of Montpellier. She was involved various research projects in human evolution during her MEME journey. Her current work focuses on Antimicrobial Resistance. As antimicrobial resistance is one of the major global health challenges, various governmental actions have taken to reduce the increase of resistant bacteria. Ege aims to adress the most effective regulatory actions to handle the ongoing health threat.
Contact: ege.pehlivanoglu -at- kva.se
Daniel Avila Ortega
Daniel Avila Ortega is a joint PhD candidate between the Global Economic Dynamics and Biosphere programme (GEDB) and Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. Daniel is conducting his PhD within the research project The Economics of Planetary Boundaries, led by Uppsala University. His current work relates to assessing the different biodiversity metrics and their relationship with the Planetary Boundaries framework and top-selected criteria by ecologists, such that these metrics reflect the contributions of biodiversity to the economic system. In addition, he works to further integrating Earth System and Integrated Assessment Models for better policy-making and future scenarios. Daniel holds a Joint Master in Science in Industrial Ecology from Leiden University and TU Delft, from the Netherlands and a Postgraduate Certification in Forest Carbon Science, Policy and Management from Michigan State University, United States. He co-founded the Mexican Center of Industrial Ecology and Comuna Energia, to contribute to rapid decarbonization in Mexico. He has collaborated on various worldwide assessments on Circular Economy, and contributed to deep-decarbonization scenarios and pathways for big corporations with top international consultancies.
Contact: daniel.avila -at- su.se
Melissa A. Barton
Melissa A. Barton is a PhD candidate at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at Stockholm University. She is excited about describing and modelling the complex relationships and interactions at the interface of social and ecological systems with the goal of informing environmental and public health policy. Her doctoral research work within the INFLUX project concerns emerging pests and pathogens and how international social-ecological networks can both facilitate their spread and offer opportunities for effective intervention and management. She is also involved in the biodiversity hypothesis project with Honghong Li and Raf Jansen. Melissa earned an MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM) in a joint program from the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University, Central European University, the University of Manchester, and the University of the Aegean. Her other research interests include urban biodiversity, nature-based solutions, social acceptance of pro-environmental behaviours, and citizen/community science.
Contact: melissa.barton -at- su.se
Louis Delannoy
Louis Delannoy joined GEDB as a postdoctoral researcher from September 2023 to work on the Entangled Shocks and Crises in the Anthropocene Production Ecosystem (ESCAPE) project. A transdisciplinary scholar, Louis combines various research fields to understand how multiple environmental and social shocks combine to create systemic crises, with a focus on the role of the global production ecosystem. More specifically, he examines how shocks are transferred, absorbed and linked together across space, time and sectors of society and develop methods to empirically answer these questions. Other research interests range from political ecology to economic anthropology.
Louis´s academic credentials include a B. Sc. in Civil Engineering and M. Sc. in Energy Management and Sustainability, both from EPFL, as well as a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the Université of Grenoble Alpes. His PhD thesis explored the systemic risks emerging from the interaction between energy, finance and the economy, from an ecological economics perspective.
Alexandre VERZIER
Alexandre Verzier is a Research Intern working with Louis Delannoy, a Postdoctoral Researcher for the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere programme (GEDB) of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In Stockholm until July 2024, he will be studying the dynamics of cross-scale crises, by building a meta-database to examine interactions between shock events of different fields, and analysing how that "polycrisis" evolves in time.
He will then go back to France to finish his Master of Engineering at CentraleSupélec, where he specialised in Energy Ressources Management.Contact: alexandre.verzier@kva.se